Total Bilirubin Test

In-house labs
60 mins collection
6 AM - 10 PM
What is the Total Bilirubin test?
Bilirubin is made during the normal process of the breakdown of red blood cells (RBC). It is yellowish in colour and found in bile, the fluid inyour liver. This fluid helps in digesting food. A healthy liver removesmost of the bilirubin from your body. If the liver is damaged, bilirubinmay leak into your bloodstream.
If there is too much bilirubin in your blood, it might cause healthproblems. Bilirubin can also be excreted in the urine, causing it to lookvery dark.
What are the other names for the Total Bilirubin test?
The other names are: serum bilirubin-total, T-Bil.
What are the test parameters included in the Total Bilirubin test?
There is only one parameter.
What does the Total Bilirubin test measure?
Bilirubin Total analyses the amount of bilirubin present in the blood ofa person. Bilirubin is an orange-yellow colour waste pigment that isproduced by the normal breakdown of heme. Heme is a component ofhaemoglobin and is found in red blood cells (RBC). A liver processes thebilirubin and eliminates it from the body.
Life span of red blood cells (RBC) is about 120 days. Heme, which isreleased from the haemoglobin is converted into bilirubin, which is calledunconjugated bilirubin. It is carried to the liver by proteins, where itgets attached to sugars and becomes conjugated bilirubin. Conjugatedbilirubin enters the bile from the liver and passes through the smallintestine. Here, it gets broken down into products of bilirubin that areresponsible for giving the characteristic brown colour to the stool.
A small amount of unconjugated bilirubin is released in the bloodstreamnormally, but there is no virtual presence of conjugated bilirubin in thebloodstream.
Both forms of bilirubin may be analysed or evaluated by the laboratorytests, and total bilirubin might be reported. In case there is an increasein levels of bilirubin, there will be yellowing of the skin and the whiteof the eyes, giving the appearance of jaundice.
What’s the normal range?
0.2–1.3 mg/dL
Who should get a total bilirubin test?
Bilirubin Total test is usually done as a part of a group test to checkthe health of your liver. A bilirubin test can be done for:
In case of any signs and symptoms of liver disease such asdark-coloured urine, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,fatigue, pale skin, and splenomegaly
It is done as part of a liver function test or a routine healthcheckup.
In case of history of drinking, heavy alcohol consumption
In case of exposure to hepatitis viruses
Newborns are monitored for neonatal jaundice.
Most jaundice in infants causes no problems. But babies are often testedshortly after birth because high bilirubin levels might affect the brain,lead to deafness, or cause intellectual or developmentaldisabilities.
Is there any preparation needed for the Total Bilirubin test?
No special preparation is required. Fasting is not required.
What is the cost of a Total Bilirubin test?
What is the type of sample required?
This test requires a blood sample.
Who will perform the Total Bilirubin test?
A healthcare provider, who is also called a phlebotomist, usuallyperforms blood draws, including those for total bilirubin tests, but anyhealthcare provider trained in drawing blood can perform this task. Thesesamples are sent to a lab where a medical laboratory scientist preparesthe samples and performs the tests on analysers or manually.
What should I expect during my Total Bilirubin test?
You may expect to experience the following during the blood test or ablood draw:
You have to sit comfortably on the chair, and a healthcare providerwill check your arms for an easily accessible vein. It is an innerpart of your arm on the other side of your elbow.
Once the phlebotomist has located a vein, they will clean anddisinfect the area with an alcohol swab.
They will insert a needle into your vein to draw a blood sample. Theymay feel like a small pinch.
After they insert the needle, the required amount of blood is drawninto a test tube.
When they have drawn enough blood for the test, they’ll remove theneedle and hold a cotton ball or gauze on the pricked site to stop anybleeding.
They apply a band-aid over the pricked site, and the blood collectionis finished.
This process takes less than five minutes.
What should I expect after my Total Bilirubin test?
Once the phlebotomist has collected the blood sample, it will be sent tothe laboratory for processing. When the reports are ready, your healthcareprovider will share the results with you.
What is the risk of the Total Bilirubin test?
These blood tests are very common, and they don’t carry any significantrisks. You can have a slight pain like an ant bite when the needle getsinserted, and a small bruise might develop there.
When can I expect my Total Bilirubin test results?
This report is available via email or WhatsApp within 6 hours after thecollection of the blood sample.
What do the results of the Total Bilirubin test mean?
Interpreting test results
Bilirubin blood test results might indicate the total level of bilirubinin your blood. Some results can also list the conjugated, or direct, andunconjugated, or indirect bilirubin levels. These two levels add up to thetotal bilirubin level.
Your test results should also include normal ranges. Reference ranges arethe normal range of bilirubin values. Results that fall outside of thereference range, especially those that fall above the upper normal values,might indicate the presence of disease or a need for furthertesting.
Reference ranges can vary depending on the lab that analyses your bloodsample and sends the results.
Total bilirubin: 0.2–1.3 mg/dL
Direct bilirubin: 0.1–0.3 mg/dL
Indirect bilirubin: 0.2–0.7 mg/dL
However, these ranges are not universal. It is important to discuss yourresults with your healthcare provider, who will be in the best position tointerpret what your result means in the context of your overallhealth.
It is common for infants to have higher bilirubin values in the bloodafter birth as their livers continue to develop. As such, bilirubin isstandard for all infants in their first 48 hours and is also oftenperformed as a precautionary measure to monitor the change in thesevalues. If you are more concerned about your baby’s bilirubin levels, orif your baby is showing any signs of jaundice, it is important to talkwith your paediatrician.
A urine bilirubin test result will either indicate a positive result,meaning bilirubin was present in the urine, or a negative result, whichmeans bilirubin was not detected. Usually, healthy people with normalliver function should not have bilirubin in their urine.
What are normal Total Bilirubin test results?
0.2–1.3 mg/dL
Normal ranges might vary slightly among different laboratories. Some ofthe labs use different measurements or may test different samples. Speakto the doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.
What other tests might I have along with this test?
Liver function tests
How do I book a Total Bilirubin test at home?
Log on towww.orangehealth.inand submit your details. Our highly trained, professional, and vaccinatedeMedics will be at your doorstep within 60 minutes or at the time bookedby you.
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