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    What is a Heart Health Checkup ?

    The Heart Health Checkup Package is designed to provide a thorough assessment of your cardiovascular health. It includes various tests that measure key indicators such as cholesterol levels, troponin, and blood glucose to evaluate the risk of heart diseases, including atherosclerosis. In this disease, plaque might build up in the arteries and might eventually lead to heart attacks or strokes. The Heart Health Checkup covers tests like C-reactive protein (which indicates inflammation), troponin (which signals potential heart damage), and prothrombin time (which assesses blood clotting ability). High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is particularly useful for detecting minor inflammation, crucial for assessing cardiovascular risk. Additionally, the checkup reviews liver and kidney function and includes a complete blood count.

    For those residing in Noida seeking Cardiac Health Packages, this Heart Checkup Package can be scheduled at home across the entire city.

    Heart Health Checkup Parameters

    High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (HSCRP)

    A high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (Hs-CRP) test checks the low levels of CRP and may be used to evaluate an individual's risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke. CRP levels increase within the blood with inflammation, infection, or trauma, as well as after an attack, surgery, or trauma.

    Creatine Phosphokinase -MB (CKMB/CPKMB)

    Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c)

    The HbA1c test is used to measure the levels of blood sugar (glucose) attached to haemoglobin over 3 months. This combination of haemoglobin and glucose is called HbA1c. Haemoglobin is a component of red blood cells (RBCs) that carries oxygen from the lungs to the whole body. It is usually done once every three months because, typically, the lifespan of a red blood cell is 3 months.

    • Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c)

    Homocysteine (HCY)

    The Homocysteine test is to measure: • The Homocysteine test analyses the levels of homocysteine in the blood. • Homocysteine is an amino acid that is present in very small amounts in all the cells of the body. That is because the body converts homocysteine normally into other products quickly. Since vitamins B6, B12, and folate are necessary to metabolize the homocysteine, increased levels of the amino acid may be a sign of deficiency in those vitamins. This test determines the levels of homocysteine in the blood and urine. • Increased homocysteine may also be related to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease (fatty deposits in peripheral arteries), and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Higher levels of homocysteine increase the risk of blood clot formation in vessels and may lead to heart attack and stroke.

    Lipid Profile

    A lipid panel analyses five different types of lipids from a blood sample, including:
    • Total cholesterol: This is the overall cholesterol level—the combination of LDL-C, VLDL-C, and HDL-C.
    • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol: This is the type of cholesterol that is known as “bad cholesterol.” It can collect in your blood vessels and increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.
    • Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol: This is a type of cholesterol that’s usually present in very low amounts when the blood sample is a fasting sample since it mostly comes from the food you’ve recently eaten. And an increase in this type of cholesterol in a fasting sample may be a sign of abnormal lipid metabolism.
    • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol: This is the type of cholesterol that is known as “good cholesterol.” It helps to decrease the buildup of LDL in your blood vessels.
    • Triglycerides: are a type of fat from the food that we eat. Excessive amounts of triglycerides in your blood are associated with cardiovascular disease and pancreatic inflammation.

    • HDL Cholesterol

    • Cholesterol

    • Triglycerides (TGL)

    • VLDL

    • Cholesterol:HDL

    • LDL:HDL

    • LDL Cholesterol (Calculated)

    • Non-HDL Cholesterol

    • HDL/LDL ratio

    Liver Function Test (LFT)

    Liver function is also called as liver profile or liver panel that measures different types of enzymes, proteins and other by products that are made by the liver. These tests analyses the levels of overall health of the liver. The liver performing its normal functions of producing protein and clearing bilirubin, a blood waste product.
    The liver panel test consists of:
    • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST): AST is an enzyme in your liver. High blood levels could be a sign of damage or disease.
    • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT): ALT is another enzyme that helps break down proteins and is found mainly in your liver. High levels in your blood could mean you have liver damage.
    • Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): ALP is an enzyme in your liver, bile ducts, and bones. You might have high values if you have liver damage or disease, and a blocked bile duct, or bone disease.
    • Bilirubin Total/Direct/ Indirect: Your body makes bilirubin when it breaks down red blood cells. Usually, your liver cleans up the bilirubin in your body. If you have high levels of a problem called jaundice, you may have liver damage.
    • Albumin: Albumin is a protein made by the liver that prevents the fluid from leaking out of the bloodstream.
    • Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT): High levels of the GGT enzyme could point to liver or bile duct damage.
    • Total protein: This analyses the sum of two kinds of protein in the blood known as albumin and globulin. The test may analyse the relative levels of albumin and globulin, which is reported as the A/G ratio.
    • Globulins: Globulins are a class of proteins in the blood.

    • Alkaline Phosphatase

    • SGOT / AST - Aspartate AminoTransferase

    • Alanine AminoTransferase/ ALT (SGPT)

    • Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)

    • Total Bilirubin

    • Direct Bilirubin

    • Indirect Bilirubin

    • Total protein


    • Globulin

    • A:G ratio

    • SGOT/SGPT ratio

    Blood Sugar

    A Random blood sugar (RBS) test is one method for analysing the level of glucose or sugar circulating in the blood. This test can be done at any point in time. It is to check how well the blood glucose is been maintained.


    Lipoprotein (a)

    N-terminal pro B Type Natriuretic Peptide (NT-pro BNP)

    A B-type natriuretic peptide is hormone that is heart produced substances. These substances are classified into two types they are: N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-PRO BNP) and Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP). This normally as few trace amounts of BNP and NT-PRO BNP is found in the blood. The BNP (Brain natriuretic peptide) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is another heart related hormone that works together to keep the veins and arteries widened or dilated. This allows the blood to pass easily to prevent the clots from forming in the arteries veins. When the heart cannot pump the blood adequately throughout the body because the walls of your heart chambers, known as ventricles, become too weak. This affects the pressure and fluid levels in the heart and throughout the body. The heart produces extra BNP to balance the fluids in the body cells and regulates the blood pressure. It is also used with several other cardiac marker tests, and it can be helpful in detecting the stress on the heart.

    Kidney Function Test with Electrolytes (KFT / RFT)

    The Kidney/Renal (KFT/RFT) panel, also known as a kidney profile or kidney function test (KFT), is a group of tests that help in determining the health of the kidneys by evaluating various parameters, like proteins, electrolytes, minerals, and blood glucose.
    The most common components tested in most renal panels include:
    • Blood Urea/Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): The blood urea nitrogen test is derived from the blood urea. Sometimes it is also called urea. Blood urea is a waste product of protein activity. Like creatinine, it is removed from the blood by the kidneys and cleared from the body in the form of urine.
    • Creatinine: Creatinine is the by-product that is consistently formed as a result of normal muscle activity. The kidney removes creatinine from the blood so that it can be carried out of the body in the form of urine.
    • Calcium: Calcium is a mineral that is very vital for the bones, muscles, cardiovascular system, and nervous system. An excess of calcium makes the kidneys work harder to filter it.
    • Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a very essential mineral for the bones, teeth, nervous system, and muscles. Phosphorus is also needed to help balance and use other vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, iodine, magnesium, and zinc. This phosphorus comes primarily from the foods and drinks that we consume.
    • Uric Acid: Uric Acid test is to analyse a nitrogenous compound that is produced by the metabolic breakdown of purine. Uric acid is also formed from the metabolic breakdown of the same types of food, like red meat, seafood, beans, etc.
    • Sodium: Sodium is an electrolyte that comes from the diet, and the levels of sodium (Na) in the body are mainly controlled by the kidneys.
    • Potassium: Potassium plays a key role in a number of bodily processes, including nerve transmission, heart contractility, cellular transport, and normal kidney function. Potassium is a type of electrolyte. Electrolytes are minerals that enable the acid-base balance, healthy fluid levels, and proper functioning of muscles and nerves. Potassium comes from the diet and is found throughout the body.
    • Chloride: Chloride is an electrolyte that works in conjunction with other electrolytes to carry out several functions, including preserving a healthy balance of fluids.

    • Urea

    • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

    • Uric acid

    • Phosphorus

    • Calcium

    • Creatinine

    • eGFR

    • Sodium

    • Potassium

    • Chloride

    • BUN Creatinine ratio

    APO-A1/APO-B Ratio

    This is to determine for assessment of cardiovascular risk. Apo A1 is a important component of HDL and Apo B is a major component of LDL. Increased Apo B and decreased Apo A1 is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

    • Apolipoprotein A1 (Apo-A1)

    • Apolipoprotein B (Apo-B)

    • Apolipoprotein A1 ,B & Ratio

    Complete Blood Count (CBC) with ESR

    A Complete Blood Count (CBC) is a blood test used to examine your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection, and leukemia. Complete blood count test (CBC) measures several components of your blood including:
    • Red blood cells which helps to carry oxygen
    • White blood cells which helps to fight infection
    • Haemoglobin which carries oxygen in the red blood cells
    • Hematocrit (PCV) measures the proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component, or plasma, in your blood
    • Platelets which help with blood clotting
    An abnormal cell count may indicate that you have a medical condition that calls for further evaluation.

    • Red Blood Cell Count (RBC Count)


    • Haemoglobin (Hb)

    • Total WBC Count (TC)

    • MCV

    • MCH

    • MCHC

    • RDW

    • Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC)

    • Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC)

    • Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC)

    • Absolute monocyte count

    • absolute basophil count

    • platelets

    • neutrophil

    • Monocyte

    • Eosinophils

    • Basophils

    • mentzer index

    • Sehgal Index

    • platelet hematocrit

    • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

    • MPV

    • Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio

    • lymphocyte count

    Heart Health Checkup Preparation

    Guidelines for scheduling a Heart Checkup Package at home:

    • Prerequisites

    No fasting is required before the Cardiac Health Package.

    • Best Time to Get Tested

    You can schedule the Cardiac Health Package at any time that suits you by selecting a convenient slot for sample collection.

    • Who Should Get a Cardiac Health Checkup

    Individuals aged 45-79 years should consider the checkup, particularly if they have risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of heart disease, or symptoms like chest pain.

    • Cautions Before Taking a Cardiac Health Checkup

    Be sure to inform your doctor of any current medications or supplements before undergoing the tests.

    Why Take theHeart Health Checkup Checkup?

    Maintaining awareness of your heart health is key to overall wellness and longevity. Routine Heart Health Checkups provide valuable information on heart function and facilitate early detection of potential issues. Here’s why the Heart Health Checkup Package is recommended:

    Early Detection : Early detection of heart disease indicators, such as high cholesterol, can lead to more effective disease management and prevention of complications.

    Diagnosing Symptoms : This checkup helps identify the causes of symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, or fatigue by examining various parameters and diagnosing underlying heart conditions, enabling timely treatment.

    Preventing Heart Disease : Regular checkups are crucial for identifying early risk factors for heart disease, allowing preventive measures to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

    Lifestyle Adjustments : This checkup can highlight the requirement for changes in lifestyle, such as improved diet and exercise, to enhance heart health and overall well-being.

    Testing Due to Comorbidities : For those with high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, a smoking history, or a family history of heart disease, the checkup is vital due to the increased risk of cardiac events associated with these conditions.

    The Heart Health Checkup Package includes all necessary tests to assess heart function and is a proactive step towards a healthier life.

    FAQs on Heart Health Checkup in Noida

    The cost of the Heart Checkup Package in Noida is ₹6999. This fee is inclusive of home sample collection within 60 minutes of booking and results delivered within 48 hours.

    Yes, for the Cardiac Health Checkup Package in Noida, home sample collection is available. You can arrange it at a time that works best for you, typically within 60 minutes of your booking (based on slot availability).

    The Cardiac Health Checkup Package reviews your heart’s health by analysing several parameters to assess your total cardiovascular risk.

    No, fasting is not necessitated for the Heart Health Checkup Package.

    To book the Heart Health Checkup Package in Noida, do the following:

    • Search : Find the Heart Checkup Package on the Orange Health webpage.

    • Review and Book : Select the package, check for any prerequisites, and book a convenient time for sample collection.

    • Collection : An eMedic will visit your home at the appointed time to collect your sample.

    • Processing : The sample will be processed in a laboratory accredited by NABL and approved by ICMR.

    • Results : Results will be available online within 48 hours and can be accessed via email, WhatsApp, or our app.

    Normal ranges for the parameters in the Heart Health Checkup Package differ. For a thorough understanding of your test results, consult the Orange Health Labs website.

    After booking, sample collection is completed within 60 minutes, and results are delivered online within 48 hours.

    The timing for scheduling the Heart Health Checkup Package is tailored to your specific health needs. Discuss with your doctor to determine the most suitable testing frequency based on your health condition.

    With 13 different tests and 69 parameters, the Heart Health Checkup Package delivers a comprehensive assessment of various heart health aspects. These include:

    • High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) (1 parameter)

    • Creatine Phosphokinase - MB (CKMB/CPMB) (1 parameter)

    • Glycated Haemoglobin (2 parameters)

    • Homocysteine (Hcy) (1 parameter)

    • Lipid Profile (1 parameter)

    • Liver Function Tests (12 parameters)

    • Blood Sugar – Random (1 parameter)

    • Kidney Function Tests With Electrolytes (11 parameters)

    • Lipoprotein (a) (1 parameter)

    • Troponin-I (1 parameter)

    • APO-A1 / APO-B Ratio (1 parameter)

    • Complete Blood Count With ESR (25 parameters)

    • Prothrombin Time (PT/INR) (1 parameter)

    Orange Health offers rapid Cardiac Health Checkup Packages right at your doorstep throughout Noida, eliminating the need for a physical lab visit. Testing services are available in various localities, including but not limited to Sector 1, Sector 15, Sector 18, Sector 22, Sector 26, Sector 37, Sector 41, Sector 45, Sector 47, Sector 50, Sector 62, Sector 63, Sector 71, Sector 76, Sector 93, Sector 100, Sector 104, Sector 108, Sector 110, Sector 120, Sector 121, Sector 128, Sector 137, Sector 150, Sector 168.

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    • We do not accept cash payments
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    • Refunds will be credited back to the source of payment within 3 hours of order cancellation.


    1. What is a Heart Health Check? Heart Research Institute [Internet]. Heart Research Institute. 2019  Available from:
    2. hs-CRP Test. [Internet]. Health Link BC. 2023  Available from:
    3. Heart Health - Harvard Health [Internet]. Harvard Health. Harvard Health; 2024  Available from:
    4. Heart-Health Screenings [Internet]. 2017  Available from:
    5. Importance of Heart Health | Logansport Memorial Hospital [Internet].  Available from: