CT(Clotting Time) Test

In-house labs
60 mins collection
6 AM - 10 PM
What is the CT(Clotting Time) test?
A clotting time is a time that is required for a sample of blood tocoagulate in vitro under standard conditions. There are two methods forevaluating the clotting time, including manual methods such as Lee andWhite, and Sukharev's capillary tube method. The bleeding time is usuallyused for patients who have a history of prolonged bleeding after cuts orwho have any family history of bleeding disorders.
What are the other names for the CT(Clotting Time) test?
The other name is the CT test.
What are the test parameters included in the CT(Clotting Time)test?
There is only one parameter.
What does a CT(Clotting Time) test measure?
A CT(Clotting Time) test is analysed on a blood sample to find how longit takes for the blood to clot or to coagulate on the slide. An enzyme,thrombin, is produced from the plasma precursor prothrombin to clot blood.Soluble fibrinogen is then converted into insoluble fibrin by thrombin.Therefore, the time it is necessary for blood to clot primarily reflectsthe time required for thrombin to be generated. This tells your doctor howwell your clotting factors are working.
What’s the normal range?
5 - 15 minutes.
Who should get a CT(Clotting Time) test?
The bleeding time test can be prescribed by the healthcare provider. Ifthe patient is experiencing an issue with blood clotting wherein the blooddoes not stop flowing after an injury such as a cut or a puncture, then itis suggested to take the bleeding time test to evaluate if the person hasproblems with blood clotting. If you are undergoing any type of surgery orprocedure, a CT(Clotting Time) test is done.
Blood clotting disorders' symptoms are delayed blood clotting and longerbleeding time. The bleeding time test is the most common test to check ifthe blood clotting system has issues that blood is not clotting. Thisoccurs in a very small number of people.
There are a few other tests that are available to evaluate if a person issuffering from bleeding problems. If there is prolonged bleeding in aperson, it indicates that the person has an acquired defect in plateletfunction. Usually, this test is also carried out to determine epistaxis.
Blood clotting mechanisms in a few people might not function properly,and hence clotting could be difficult.
Are there any preparations needed for the CT(Clotting Time) test?
No special preparation is required. Fasting is not required.
What is the cost of aCT(Clotting Time) test?
What is the type of sample required?
This test requires a blood sample.
Who processes the CT(Clotting Time) test?
A healthcare provider, who is also called a phlebotomist, usuallyperforms blood draws, including those for CT(Clotting Time) tests, but anyhealthcare provider trained in drawing blood can perform this task.Clotting time will be recorded. The same values will be sent to the labsto generate the reports.
What should I expect during my CT(Clotting Time) test?
You might expect to experience the following during the blood test or ablood draw:
You sit comfortably on the chair.
They will disinfect the puncture site with an alcohol swab tominimize the risk of infection.
Once the phlebotomist has located a vein, they disinfect the areawith an alcohol swab.
They will insert the needle into your vein to draw a blood sample.They may feel like a small pinch.
After they insert the needle, the required amount of blood will bedrawn into a test tube.
When they draw enough blood for the test, they’ll remove the needleand hold a cotton ball or gauze on the site to stop anybleeding.
They apply a band-aid over the pricked site, and the blood collectionis finished.
This process takes less than five minutes.
What should I expect after my CT(Clotting Time) test?
Once, a phlebotomist will note down the clotting time and the same willbe sent to the laboratory, where reports will be shared with you.
What are the risks of a CT(Clotting Time) test
Blood tests are done commonly, and they don’t carry any significantrisks. You can have a slight pain like an ant bite when the needle getsinserted, and a small bruise may develop there.
When can I expect my CT(Clotting Time) test results?
At Orange Health, bleeding time test reports are available within 6hours.
What do the results of a CT(Clotting Time) test mean?
A normal clotting time in a person is between 5 - 15 minutes. Byunderstanding the time taken for blood to clot, it may be determined ifthe person has a haemophilla for Von Willibrand’s disease.
In this kind of defect, the platelets might not be working properly, orthe body may be producing too many platelets or fewer platelets. Usually,abnormal results could mean:
That person has a defect in the blood vessels wherein the bloodvessels are unable to transport blood properly throughout thebody.
A person has a genetic platelet function disorder by birth. This is agenetic disorder that could affect the function of the platelets.
A person could be suffering from thrombocythemia, wherein theperson's bone marrow starts producing too many platelets in thebody.
A person could be suffering from thrombocytopenia, where the person'sbone marrow starts producing a small number of platelets in thebody.
A person might be suffering from Von Willebrand's disease. It is ahereditary disease that affects the process of blood coagulation in aperson.
What are normal CT(Clotting Time) test results?
5 - 15 minutes.
The normal ranges can vary slightly among different laboratories. Some ofthe labs use different measurements or might do tests on the differentsamples. Speak to your healthcare provider about the meaning of yourspecific test results.
What other tests might I have along with this test?
Prothrombin time test, Platelet counts test & Von Willebrand.
How do I book a CT(Clotting Time) test at home?
Log on towww.orangehealth.inand submit your details. Our highly trained, professional, and vaccinatedeMedics will be at your doorstep within 60 minutes or at the time bookedby you.